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H Show or hide Column Headings
Ctrl H Show help for current tool
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Shift Z Redo
Stock Tools
Space Enter stock code or type its name to start a search
D Depth
O Orders
C Chart
T Trades
A Announcements
Alt D Derivatives
P Company Profile
1...9 Change to the nth stock in the Speedlist
Left Change to the previous stock in the speedlist
Right Change to the next stock in the speedlist
Ctrl 1...9 Change to the nth saved config for the current tool
Ctrl Left Change to the previous saved config for the current tool
Ctrl Right Change to the next saved config for the current tool
Shift 1...9 Change all visible stocks to the nth stock in the Speedlist
Shift D Make all visible stocks show Depth
Shift O Make all visible stocks show Orders
Shift C Make all visible stocks show Chart
Shift T Make all visible stocks show Trades
Shift A Make all visible stocks show Announcements
Alt Shift D Make all visible stocks show Derivatives
Shift P Make all visible stocks show Company Profile
W Watchlist - the last watchlist shown in the tool window
+ Add stock code(s) to current watchlist
- Remove stock code(s) from current watchlist
1..9 Show the nth watchlist - press w then 1, or 2, or...
Left Change to the previous watchlist
Right Change to the next watchlist
Shift S Make this watchlist the speedlist
Ctrl W Toggle highlighting of stocks that are in Watchlists
1...9 Change to the nth watchlist
Left Change to the previous watchlist
Right Change to the next watchlist
Market Tools
S Smartlist
X Alerts
I Indexes
R Top Rises
F Top Falls
V Top Volume
Alt V Top Turnover
Y Market Trades
N Market Announcements
1...9 Filter by the nth Watchlist - only include stocks in the nth watchlist
0 Remove watchlist filter - include all stocks
Left Filter by previous watchlist
Right Filter by next watchlist
Ctrl 1...9 Change to the nth saved config for the current tool
Ctrl Left Change to the previous saved config for the current tool
Ctrl Right Change to the next saved config for the current tool
Space Space Pause or unpause depth replay - press space twice quickly
Alt Space Pause or unpause depth replay - for convenience when using arrow keys
Alt Up Speed up depth replay
Alt Down Slow down depth replay
Alt Left Move back in time when replaying depth
Alt Right Move forward in time when replaying depth
Home Move forward to the current time and stop replaying depth
/ / Move forward to the current time and stop replaying depth - press slash twice
/ . Move back to the start of the last replay or pause point
/ O Move to the opening auction time
/ C Move to the closing auction time
/ E Replay by event
/ T Replay by time
. A Only show ASX orders and trades when consolidating
. C Only show CXA orders and trades when consolidating
. . Show both ASX and CXA orders when consolidating
When the Depth replay arrow keys without Alt preference is set:
Up Speed up depth replay
Down Slow down depth replay
Left Move back in time when replaying depth
Right Move forward in time when replaying depth
See also entering dates and times directly
Alt Up Expand the chart range
Alt Down Contract the chart range
Alt Left Scroll the chart backwards
Alt Right Scroll the chart forwards
/ / Move the rightmost bar to the current time - press slash twice
Home Move the rightmost bar to the current time
Ctrl D Show or hide chart drawings
+ Add a new drawing to the chart - press + multiple times to change type of drawing
Backspace Remove the current drawing from the chart
Shift Backspace Remove the current drawing from all charts
. A Only show ASX prices when consolidating
. C Only show CXA prices when consolidating
. . Show both ASX and CXA prices when consolidating
. A Only show ASX trades when consolidating
. C Only show CXA trades when consolidating
. . Show both ASX and CXA trades when consolidating
. A Only show ASX orders when consolidating
. C Only show CXA orders when consolidating
. . Show both ASX and CXA orders when consolidating
Announcement PDFs
Left Show the previous page
Right Show the next page
General Tools
Up Scroll up one line
Down Scroll down one line
Page Up Scroll up one page
Page Down Scroll down one page
Home Scroll to the top
End Scroll to the last page
Space Space Freeze or unfreeze - press space twice quickly
Shift Space Space Freeze all tools or unfreeze - press space twice quickly with shift held down
Ctrl P Show or hide Tool Settings
Ctrl N Create New config for current tool
Ctrl L Load saved config for current tool
Ctrl S Saved config for current tool
Alt B Buy
Alt S Sell
Alt O Orders
Alt T Trades
Alt H Holdings
Alt A Accounts
Z Zoom the current tool to temporarily take up the entire window. Press z again to unzoom.
Tab Move to next tool window - tab
Ctrl Tab Move to previous tool window
Ctrl Shift Left Previous desktop
Ctrl Shift Right Next desktop
F1-10 Go to the nth desktop - Function 1 through 10
Q Show or hide Quick Popup
Ctrl T Show or hide Toolbar
Ctrl Shift T Show or hide Tool Titlebars
/ H Split tool window horizontally - press / then h
/ V Split tool window vertically - press / then v
/ 2,3,4... Split tool window into 2 or more - press / then 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18
Ctrl Shift X Clear desktop
Ctrl Shift L Snap tool windows to grid
Ctrl + Increase Font Size - or Ctrl =
Ctrl - Decrease Font Size
Copy and Paste
Ctrl C Copy CSV data from current tool
Alt C Copy screenshot of current tool
Ctrl Shift C Copy code from current tool
Ctrl V Paste code(s)
Window Management
Shift Ctrl N Open a new Spark window
Ctrl F4 Close the active Spark window
Alt F4 Quit Spark after saving
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