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Market Trades

The Market Trades tool allows you to view all trades executed on the entire market for the current day.

You can filter the list to only show trades between a certain trade size, "% of daily volume/value" or "% of Market Cap"

The Markets Trades tool can be used to actively monitor the entire market for large trades, sometimes known as block trades. Block trades can potentially have a significant impact on the market.


  • press Y
  • click the Trades button in the Market Tools section of the Toolbar
  • or select the Market Trades option in the Tools menu


To filter the list to only show trades over a particular size set the minimum Value, in the Trade Ranges settings, to say, 1m (abbreviation for $1,000,000). The list will then only show trades with a trade value greater than $1,000,000.

You can also filter to only show trades that are a certain percentage of a company's market cap. This can be useful to find large trades in small companies that might not be noticed if filtering based on a fixed minimum trade size. To do this, go to the "Trade % of Total" settings and set the "Mkt Cap" value to say, 0.5. This will show trades where the trade size is at least 0.5% of the company's total market cap.

Hover your mouse over the time to see the market depth at that point in time.

Click the time to change the tool to the market depth at that point.

Drag the time to another window to make that window display the depth at that point.

Hover over the side indicator to see an intraday chart that highlights the time of the trade in the row.


Time Time of Trade
Code Code
Price Price of Trade
% Since % Change since this Trade
Volume Volume of Trade
% Volume % of Today's Total Volume
Value Value of Trade
% Value % of Today's Total Value
% Mkt Cap % of Mkt Cap
Side Aggressive buy or sell, or auction
Conditions Condition Codes
Market Market Venue that the Trade was executed on



See here.


ASX Only show trades executed on ASX
CXA Only show trades executed on CXA
Watchlists... Only include trades for instruments in the selected Watchlist(s)
Types... Only include trades for instruments of the selected Security Type(s)
Industry... Only include trades for instruments in the selected Industry Groups
Opening... Only include trades for instruments in the selected ASX Opening Groups
Commodity... Only include trades for instruments in the selected Commodity Groups


Price Only include trades for instruments between a minimum and/or maximum price
Turnover Only include trades for instruments that have traded between a minimum and/or maximum Turnover for the current day
Mkt Cap Only include trades for instruments between a minimum and/or maximum Market Capitalisation

The numbers entered in these range boxes can take the following suffixes:

k Thousands 100k = 100,000
t Thousands 1.5t = 1,500
m Millions 1m = 1,000,000
b Billions 1.85b = 1,850,000,000

Trade Ranges

Volume Only include trades between a minimum and/or maximum volume
Value Only include trades between a minimum and/or maximum value

The numbers entered in these range boxes can take the following suffixes:

k Thousands 100k = 100,000
t Thousands 1.5t = 1,500
m Millions 1m = 1,000,000
b Billions 1.85b = 1,850,000,000

Trade % of Total

Volume Only include trades where the trade volume is at least x% of the total volume traded today
Value Only include trades where the trade value is at least x% of the total value traded today
Mkt Cap Only include trades where the trade value is at least x% of the market cap

Trade Types

VWAP Only Only include trades that are included in VWAP calculations
On Market Only Only include On Market trades
Include Auctions Include trades that occur during an Auction
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