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The Indices tools shows the current days index values for the selected exchange(s) and index types.


  • press I
  • click the Indices button in the Market section of the Toolbar
  • or select the Indices option in the Tools menu


ASX, CXA and NZX indices are updated in real-time.

The global indices are updated shortly after their respective markets close trading for the day.

The NZX publish both standard and Total Return(Gross) style indices. You can include the NZX Gross indices in the list by selecting the NZX TR button in the Select section.

Hover over an index code to display the intraday chart for that index.

Drag the exchanges headline index code (e.g. XJO for the ASX) to a Watchbar so you always have the latest index value displayed on your screen.


Name Short Name
Code Code
Last Last Price
Change Change
% Chg Percent Change
Delta Last Price at Delta Time
Delta Chg Change since Delta Time
Delta % Percent Change since Delta Time
Time Time of Last Price today
Description Long Name
First First Price Today
Low Lowest Price Today
High Highest Price Today



See here.


ASX Show/Hide ASX indices
CXA Show/Hide CXA indices
NZX Show/Hide NZX indices
NZX TR Show/Hide NZX Gross indices
Global Show/Hide Global indices
Major Include the major/headline indices for an Exchange
Sectorial Include the Industry Sector indices for an Exchange
Other Include the Other indices (i.e. not Major or Sector) for an Exchange


% Change Order by Percent Change Today
Change Order by Change Today
Code Order by Code
Name Order by Name
% Delta Order by Percent Change since Delta Time
Delta Order by Change since Delta Time
Reverse Order the list in reverse


The Delta is the difference between the current index price and the price as at the set delta period.

Setting a delta period and ordering by % Delta shows you a list of indices that have increased or decreased the most since the set delta time. This can be useful to find indices/sectors that are moving intraday.

Setting a delta period to longer periods, for example weekly or monthly, can be used to identify indices/sectors that are out or under performing over longer time frames.

Delta columns only appear in the tool if a delta period has been set.

1 Min Set Delta period to 1 minute
2 Set Delta period to 2 minutes
5 Set Delta period to 5 minutes
10 Set Delta period to 10 minutes
15 Set Delta period to 15 minutes
20 Set Delta period to 20 minutes
30 Set Delta period to 30 minutes
1 Hour Set Delta period to 1 hour
2 Set Delta period to 2 hours
4 Set Delta period to 4 hours
Custom Todo
Week Set Delta period to the opening price 7 days ago
Month Set Delta period to the opening price 30 days ago
Year Set Delta period to the opening price 1 year ago
YTD Set Delta period to the opening price on the 1st day of the current year
N/A No Delta period set
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