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Freezing will stop a tool updating.

Unfreezing will restore the tool to the current state of the market.

  • Press Space Space to toggle freezing (press space twice quickly)
  • Click Freeze in the Toolbar
  • Choose Freeze from the View menu


Freezing will pause the depth display at 1 second ago.

Unfreezing will fast forward to the current state of the depth, unless you have moved forward or backward from the time it was frozen, in which case it will unpause the depth replay.

You can also use >> to move to the current state of the market.


Freezing will prevent new orders and order changes from changing the list.

Unfreezing will fast forward to the current live state of the market.

Trades and Market Trades

Freezing will prevent new trades from being added to the list.

If you change a setting while the trades are frozen, they will be refiltered from the current live state of the market.

Stock Lists

Freezing will prevent the list of stocks and the order of the stocks from changing.

The quotes will still update, so the list may eventually go out of order.

If you change a setting while the list is frozen, it will be refiltered and reordered from the current live state of the market.

Freezing everything on the screen

  • Press Space twice quickly while holding down Shift
  • Click Freeze in the Toolbar while holding down shift
  • Choose Freeze All or Unfreeze All from the View menu

If the currently focused tool is not frozen, then this will freeze all visible tools.

If the currently focused tool is frozen, then this will unfreeze all visible tools.

Freezing is not saved

Frozen is a transient state to avoid accidentally watching a paused market.

Tools automatically unfreeze when:

  • The tool's stock is changed
  • A new tool is selected
  • The desktop is changed
  • The window is closed or minimized
  • A new day starts
  • Spark is restarted

You can undo freezing, but you can't redo it.

You can't undo or redo unfreezing. i.e. if you freeze a tool, then unfreeze it, you can't go make to the past frozen state.

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