The Orders tool allows you to view all the individual orders currently in the market for a particular stock.
Hold Alt over a bid or offer to display the volume at and ahead of that order, and its average price and value.
Bid | Bid Price |
Pos | Position in the Queue |
Volume | Total Volume of Bids at this Price |
Value | Total Value of Bids at this Price |
Time | Time the Order was placed |
Date | Date the Order was placed |
Market | Market Venue the Order is placed on |
Cum % | Percentage Volume of Bids at and above this Price |
Tot Vol | Total Volume of Bids at and above this Price |
Tot Val | Total Value of Bids at and above this Price |
Offer | Offer Price |
Pos | Position in the Queue |
Volume | Total Volume of Offers at this Price |
Value | Total Value of Offers at this Price |
Time | Time the Order was placed |
Date | Date the Order was placed |
Market | Market Venue the Order is placed on |
Cum % | Percentage Volume of Offers at and below this Price |
Tot Vol | Total Volume of Offers at and below this Price |
Tot Val | Total Value of Offers at and below this Price |
See here.
This menu only appears when consolidating.
ASX | Only show trades executed on ASX |
CXA | Only show trades executed on CXA |
Bids | Show/Hide Bids |
Asks | Show/Hide Asks (Offers) |
You can set price levels and be alerted via the Alert ticker when these are met. The set price level is highlighted in the list with a pink background. If an alert has triggered, and therefore no longer being monitored, the price entry box will have a pink border.
See here for more about Alerts.
Show | Show Alert levels in the Order list |
Low | Set the alert to trigger when price is at or below this price |
High | Set the alert to trigger when price is at or above this price |
New | Create a new Alert. Uses the set defaults from the main Alerts tool |
Remove | Remove the Alert |
Reset | Reset the Alerts so they are again active after being triggered |