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Announcement Documents

Announcement documents typically appear in a pop-up window after clicking on an announcement headline or icon. Then can also be displayed within a standard Spark window if the headline or icon is dragged to one.


To resize the pop-up window, move the cursor over the edges of the window, click and hold the left mouse button, and drag the cursor to the desired size. The default position of the pop-up window can be changed by clicking on the title bar at the top and dragging it to a new location.

Using the zoom feature can make reading and navigating the announcement document easier.

Ctrl click on an announcement icon or heading to open it with your system's PDF reader.



Popup Display the document in a pop-up window.
Launch Open the document in your external PDF reader. Alternatively, Ctrl click anywhere in the window


Rotate Rotate the document 90°
Fit Width Scale the document based on the page width
Fit Height Scale the document based on the page height
Auto Todo


Prev Move to the previous page
Next Move to the next page
-5 Skip back 5 pages
+5 Skip forward 5 pages
First Move to the first page
Last Move to the last page


Next Load the announcement released after this one
Prev Load the announcement released prior to this one
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